Employee Administration

Graduate Student Employees

Graduate Assistantship, Fellowship, and Health Insurance FAQs

Graduate Assistantship FAQ

Graduate Fellowship FAQ

Health Insurance FAQ

Graduate Student Employee Position Classifications

Graduate Teaching Assistantship – Instructor of Record


ECLASS: K4 (Monthly)



  • Has primary responsibility for assigning the student’s final grade and is listed as the instructor of record by the UA Registrar.


  • Certification by the department that the student has a Master’s degree or 18 graduate hours in the teaching discipline (IOR Certification Form)
  • Minimum registration of 6 Credit Hours (not including IDGR)
  • IDGR hours applied based on FTE (20 hrs. = 0.5 FTE = 6 IDGR hours, 10 hrs. = 0.25 FTE = 3 IDGR hours)
  • Minimum GPA – 3.0 after the first 12 credit hours
  • Stipend must be at least equal to the OAA minimum rate for department
  • Tuition, Health Insurance Premium, and Mandatory Course/College Fees Awards are included (0.5 FTE = full coverage; 0.25 FTE = 50% coverage) 

Graduate Teaching Assistantship – Instructional Assistant


ECLASS: K4 (Monthly)



  • Is not listed as the instructor of record.
  • Grades student work for the instructor of record, facilitates labs or studios, leads discussion sections of a large lecture course, leads tutoring sessions, or otherwise provides instructional support to an instructor of record.


  • Minimum registration of 6 Credit Hours (not including IDGR)
  • IDGR hours applied based on FTE (20 hrs. = 0.5 FTE = 6 IDGR hours, 10 hrs. = 0.25 FTE = 3 IDGR hours)
  • Minimum GPA – 3.0 after the first 12 credit hours
  • Stipend must be at least equal to the OAA minimum rate for department
  • Tuition, Health Insurance Premium, and Mandatory Course/College Fees Awards are included (0.5 FTE = full coverage; 0.25 FTE = 50% coverage)

Graduate Instructor


ECLASS: M4 (Monthly)



  • Still in student status, teaching a course, but not receiving a tuition scholarship.
  • Health insurance and college/course fees are also not included.
  • Serving as an instructor of record


  • Certification by the department that the student has a Master’s degree or 18 graduate hours in the teaching discipline (IOR Certification Form)
  • Minimum registration of 4.5 Credit Hours (not including IDGR) – (9 hours for international students)
  • No IDGR hours
  • Minimum GPA – 3.0 after the first 12 credit hours
  • Stipend must be at least equal to the OAA minimum rate for department

Graduate Research Assistantship


ECLASS: K4 (Monthly)



  • Research-oriented responsibilities such as library research, computer programming and analysis, fieldwork, laboratory experiments, scientific investigations, writing and editing material, etc.


  • Minimum registration of 6 Credit Hours (not including IDGR)
  • IDGR hours applied based on FTE (20 hrs. = 0.5 FTE = 6 IDGR hours, 10 hrs. = 0.25 FTE = 3 IDGR hours)
  • Minimum GPA – 3.0 after the first 12 credit hours
  • Stipend must be at least equal to the OAA minimum rate for department
  • Tuition, Health Insurance Premium, and Mandatory Course/College Fees Awards are included (0.5 FTE = full coverage; 0.25 FTE = 50% coverage)

Graduate Administrative Assistantship


ECLASS: K4 (Monthly) 



  • Assists administrative staff or department by collecting, ordering, and interpreting various kinds of administrative data.
  • Does not perform only clerical responsibilities such as answering phone, desk coverage, filing, department errands, etc.


  • Minimum registration of 6 Credit Hours (not including IDGR)
  • IDGR hours applied based on FTE (20 hrs. = 0.5 FTE = 6 IDGR hours, 10 hrs. = 0.25 FTE = 3 IDGR hours)
  • Minimum GPA – 3.0 after the first 12 credit hours
  • Stipend must be at least equal to the OAA minimum rate for department
  • Tuition, Health Insurance Premium, and Mandatory Course/College Fees Awards are included (0.5 FTE = full coverage; 0.25 FTE = 50% coverage)

Graduate Student Assistant


ECLASS: K5 (Hourly) 



  • Assists administrative staff or department with clerical or administrative work. 
  • No Tuition, Health Insurance or Fee award included.


  • Minimum registration of 4.5 Credit Hours (not including IDGR)
  • No Minimum GPA requirement
  • Stipend must be at least equal federal minimum wage guidelines.

Graduate Student Summer Teaching Assistant


ECLASS: K4 (Monthly)



  • Has primary responsibility for assigning the student’s final grade and is listed as the instructor of record by the UA Registrar.


  • Certification by the department that the student has a Master’s degree or 18 graduate hours in the teaching discipline (IOR Certification Form)
  • Minimum GPA – 3.0 after the first 12 credit hours
  • Stipend set by Office for Academic Affairs based on enrollment.

Other Graduate Student Types

  • Graduate Student Athletic Tutor – Athletics Only


ECLASS: K5 (Hourly)



  • Minimum registration of 4.5 Credit Hours (not including IDGR)
    • Minimum GPA requirement – 3.0
    • Stipend must be at least equal federal minimum wage guidelines.
    • Overloads must be approved by student advisor.
    • No Tuition, Health Insurance or Fee awards included.
  • Graduate Student Library – Libraries Only


ECLASS: K5 (Hourly)



  • Minimum registration of 4.5 Credit Hours (not including IDGR)
    • No Minimum GPA Requirement
    • Stipend must be at least equal federal minimum wage guidelines.
    • No Tuition, Health Insurance or Fee awards included.
  • Graduate Student – CMS Teacher


ECLASS: K4 (Monthly)



  • Minimum registration of 4.5 Credit Hours (not including IDGR)
    • No Minimum GPA Requirement
    • Stipend must be at least equal federal minimum wage guidelines.
    • No Tuition, Health Insurance or Fee awards included.
  • Graduate Student Resident Hall Director


ECLASS: K4 (Monthly)



  • Minimum registration of 4.5 Credit Hours (not including IDGR)
    • No Minimum GPA Requirement
    • Stipend must be at least equal federal minimum wage guidelines.
    • No Tuition, Health Insurance or Fee awards included.
Pre-Employment Background Checks

A valid background check is required to be completed for EVERY graduate student (domestic or international) paid through payroll regardless of the source of funding or type and length of employment.

  • A background check only needs to be completed once per student.
  • Any offer of employment must be contingent upon receiving a successful background check.

Steps to Obtain a Background Check

  1. Check to see if a valid background check is on file for the student: Go to Banner screen PPACMNT and enter the CWID of the student.
    • “GRS-GR. Background CK – Successful” – this means that a background check has been obtained and the results were acceptable. You may continue with the hiring process.
      • GRU-GR. Background CK- Unsucessful” – this means that a background check has been obtained and the results were unacceptable. The student may not be hired.
      • No record found – this means that there has not been a background check completed. Follow remaining steps to obtain a background check.
          • Hiring department
          • Requestor’s name
          • Requestor’s email address
          • Candidates full name
          • Candidate’s email address
          • Candidate's international status: Domestic or International
        • Notify the candidate that a background check has been initiated. 
        • Risk Mitigation Services will send a link to the student to gather initial information and request authorization to perform the search.
          • If the student is an international student without a SS#, they should use 999999999 for the SSN field.
        • Once the screening is complete, the requestor will receive an email notification with the screening status.
          • If the screening has no adverse findings the hiring process can be completed.
          • If the screening has adverse findings the student will be notified with a copy of the report. The student will have 5 business days to appeal the decision in writing to the Graduate School Director of Administration.
            • The Appeal Committee will review the appeal and issue a final determination about eligibility for employment.
Teaching Credentials Policy for UA Instructors of Record (SACSCOC 18-hr Rule)
Early Withdrawal or Resignation of Graduate Assistantship

Effects of Early Withdrawal/Resignation

(a) 0.50 FTE GAAmount of Tuition ChargedAmount of Grant ReceivedCost to Student
 Appointment ended during 1st week of semesterno tuitionno grantnil
 Appointment ended during 2nd to 4th week of semester25% of tuition25% of tuitionnil
 Appointment ended during 4th to 8th week of semester50% of tuition50% of tuitionnil
 Appointment ended after 8th week of semester100% of tuition100% of tuitionnil
(a) 0.25 FTE GAAmount of Tuition ChargedAmount of Grant ReceivedCost to Student
 Appointment ended during 1st week of semesterno tuitionno grantnil
 Appointment ended during 2nd to 4th week of semester25% of tuition12.5% of tuition12.5% of tuition
 Appointment ended during 4th to 8th week of semester50% of tuition25% of tuition25% of tuition
 Appointment ended after 8th week of semester100% of tuition50% of tuition50% of tuition
Graduate Assistant and Graduate Fellow Temporary Residency Status


As confirmed by the Board of Trustees, for fall 2020 semester UA will be applying a new administrative protocol to reclassify out of state resident qualifying assistantships and fellowships as in state for tuition and billing purposes.

A full time 0.50 FTE assistantship with a stipend at least equal to the UA minimum rate for graduate assistants for the relevant academic year will – depending on the funding – confer temporary in state residency status for tuition and billing purposes on the graduate student appointed to the position. Minimum assistantship rates will be as published on the Graduate School web site each year under Graduate Assistantship Rates.

Similarly, any full time fellowship award with a stipend at least equal to the UA minimum rate for graduate assistants for the relevant academic year will also – again, depending on the funding – confer temporary in state residency status for tuition and billing purposes on the graduate student appointed to the fellowship.

This administrative change includes international students but only for tuition and billing purposes.

At the end of the fall semester a student’s temporary residency status will revert to their original category in Banner prior to their next registration. Where the student qualifies for the spring semester under this arrangement their temporary status will be restored.

At the end of the spring semester a student’s temporary residency status will not revert, they will retain temporary in state residency through the summer semesters. This sustains the existing special out of state tuition surcharge scholarships for summer where students held an assistantship or fellowship in the previous spring. At the end of the summer semesters their temporary residency status will revert to their original category in Banner prior to their next registration.

Students change in residency status may impact other factors including for example financial aid. It is the student’s responsibility to check and consider any other effects of a change in residency status.

This change in residency status is offered at the sole discretion of the Trustees and the Dean of The Graduate School and is a benefit of the assistantship or fellowship – it is not an entitlement. The benefit could be rescinded at any time by the university.

Processing and Appointment Details

The Graduate Assistant Tuition Online Processing System (GATOPS) will be the primary system for identifying qualifying students and only assistantships or fellowships with tuition scholarships processed through the online GATOPS tuition scholarship system can rank for reclassification with in state residency status.

Status for residency will be changed in Banner Student Account Services system and Banner Student Record once the tuition scholarship has been posted and fully approved in the online GATOPS tuition processing system. Changes will be effected using daily updates from GATOPS to Student Records.

It is therefore imperative that departments ensure that their GATOPS records are updated timely and any changes – additions, deletions, or adjustments – are processed immediately.

Students are billed when they register for classes, any changes in registration are reflected in their online statement of account. Once an approved tuition scholarship is recorded in GATOPS students’ statement of account will be adjusted to reflect a change in residency and the change in the tuition surcharge. If departments do not process their awards in GATOPS in a timely manner students must pay the higher charge and obtain a refund after classes start. To avoid overcharges on student billing, departments should process tuition awards in GATOPS no later than the deadline to confirm class schedules. Awards may be processed after this date however students will have to wait for a refund on their bills.

Regular academic qualifying requirements will continue to apply to the assistantship or fellowship appointments as set out in the Graduate Catalog and the qualifying requirements set out in fellowship acceptances.

All graduate assistantships must have a signed Memorandum of Appointment on file with the Graduate School through the UA’s Docusign system to qualify for this temporary residency status change. Similarly, all graduate fellowships must have a signed offer and acceptance letter on file in the awarding department.

Qualifying Requirements

Multiple assistantships FTE may be combined to meet the 0.50 minimum subject to the funding source (see below). Similarly, multiple fellowships can be combined to meet the minimum stipend value, again subject to the funding type (see below).

Assistantships and fellowships must be appointed and processed BEFORE the last day to add or drop classes without a “W” grade to qualify for a residency status change. This date is published in the UA Academic Calendar. This is the same date which determines whether an assistantship qualifies generally for tuition and health insurance benefits. 

Once the last day to add or drop classes without a “W grade has passed, the student’s residency status will not be revised until the end of the semester or a disqualifying event occurs (see below Withdrawals from Classes and Termination of Assistantship or Fellowship).

Qualifying Assistantships are those where the FTE is at least 0.50 and the stipend at least equals the UA minimum GA rate and

  • Funding is from UA on a permanently budgeted GA line, or
  • Funding is from college or department soft funds on a non-permanently budgeted GA line and the college or department is paying the tuition scholarship, or
  • Funding is from an external contract or grant AND UA would be paying a tuition surcharge scholarship as cost share.

Qualifying Fellowships are those where the stipend at least equals the UA minimum GA rate and

  • Funding is from UA on a permanently budgeted fellowship line, or
  • Funding is from college or department soft funds on a non-permanently budgeted fellowship line and the college or department is paying the tuition scholarship, or
  • Funding is from an external contract or grant AND UA would be paying a tuition surcharge scholarship as cost share.

Remember, only assistantships or fellowships with tuition scholarships processed through the online GATOPS tuition scholarship system rank for reclassification with in state residency status. 

Non-Qualified Situations

Assistantships with combined FTE less than 0.50 or fellowships with a stipend less than the UA GA minimum do not qualify for temporary in state residency status.

Assistantships or fellowships NOT processed through GATOPS do not qualify for temporary in state residency status.

Any assistantship or fellowship funded by third parties or grants where the fund agent is paying out of state tuition surcharge scholarship is excluded from this arrangement.

Any assistantship or fellowship appointment after the last day to add or drop classes will not qualify for temporary in state residency process. Appeals may be made in extenuating circumstances (for example late visa awards or emergency appointments) to the Dean of the Graduate School in writing.

Withdrawals From Classes

  1. Student retains assistantship/fellowship, withdraws from one or more classes, but remains above the minimum registration requirements.
    • As long as the student remains registered for minimum class hours for 0.50 FTE assistantship or full time fellowship, no changes in residency and students retains temporary in state status.
  2. Student withdraws from all classes for the semester.
    • Student becomes disqualified from holding any assistantship or fellowship and residency status reverts to original status for next registration. Department must terminate the assistantship or fellowship.
  3. Student is granted a formal medical withdrawal from classes.
    • Student becomes disqualified from holding any assistantship or fellowship and residency status reverts to original status for next registration. Department must terminate the assistantship or fellowship.

Termination of Assistantship or Fellowship

  1. Student reduces registration to below minimum requirements.
    • Student becomes disqualified from holding any assistantship or fellowship and residency reverts to original status for next registration. Department must terminate the assistantship or fellowship. 
  2. Student or supervisor terminates the assistantship/fellowship no later than the 8th week of classes.
    • Student temporary residency status reverts to original category for their current registration. This is to ensure students do not game the system and take on an assistantship to benefit from a residency change and then drop the assistantship.
  3. Student or supervisor terminates the assistantship/fellowship after the 8th week of classes.
    • Student temporary residency status remains unchanged for the remainder of the semester and current registration.
Minimum Cost of a Graduate Assistant

These are the 9-month costs associated with FY24 minimum salary rates for Graduate Assistants for each academic unit. Costs are shown for both 0.25 (10 hours per week) and 0.50 (20 hours per week) FTE appointments.

 A&S Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Communication, Education, Human Environmental Sciences, Social Work, and all othersA&S Natural Sciences, A&S Mathematics, and A&S PsychologyEngineering
FTE0.25(10 hrs per week)0.50(20 hrs per week)0.25(10 hrs per week)0.50(20 hrs per week)0.25(10 hrs per week)0.50(20 hrs per week)
Monthly Salary$910.00$1,820.00$1,050.00$2,100.00$1,100.00$2,200.00
9 month Salary$8,190.00$16,380.00$9,450.00$18,900.00$9,900.00$19,800.00
In-State Tuition (fall & spring)$5,690.00$11,380.00$5,690.00$11,380.00$5,690.00$11,380.00
Out-of-State Tuition (fall & spring)$16,686.00$33,372.00$16,686.00$33,372.00$16,686.00$33,372.00
College & Course Fees (Fall and Spring Average)$600.00$1,200.00$600.00$1,200.00$600.00$1,200.00
Health Insurance ( Full Year)$1,157.05$2,314.10$1,157.05$2,314.10$1,157.05$2,314.10
Total Cost In-State$15,637.05$31,274.10$16,897.05$33,794.10$17,347.05$34,694.10
Total Cost Out-of-State$26,633.05$53,266.10$27,893.05$55,786.10$28,343.05$56,686.10
 Commerce and Business Administration
 All Masters ProgramsEconomics PhDFinance PhD
FTE0.25(10 hrs per week)0.50(20 hrs per week)0.25(10 hrs per week)0.50(20 hrs per week)0.25(10 hrs per week)0.50(20 hrs per week)
Monthly Salary$910.00$1,820.00$1,160.00$2,320.00$1,105.00$2,210.00
9 month Salary$8,190.00$16,380.00$10,440.00$20,880.00$9,945.00$19,890.00
In-State Tuition (fall & spring)$5,690.00$11,380.00$5,690.00$11,380.00$5,690.00$11,380.00
Out-of-State Tuition (fall & spring)$16,686.00$33,372.00$16,686.00$33,372.00$16,686.00$33,372.00
College & Course Fees (Fall and Spring Average)$1,200.00$2,400.00$1,200.00$2,400.00$1,200.00$2,400.00
Health Insurance ( Full Year)$1,157.05$2,314.10$1,157.05$2,314.10$1,157.05$2,314.10
Total Cost In-State$16,237.05$32,474.10$18,487.05$36,974.10$17,992.05$35,984.10
Total Cost Out-of-State$27,233.05$54,466.10$29,483.05$58,966.10$28,988.05$57,976.10
 Commerce and Business Administration
 ISSM PhDManagement PhDMarketing PhD
FTE0.25(10 hrs per week)0.50(20 hrs per week)0.25(10 hrs per week)0.50(20 hrs per week)0.25(10 hrs per week)0.50(20 hrs per week)
Monthly Salary$1,385.00$2,770.00$1,430.00$2,860.00$1,985.00$3,970.00
9 month Salary$12,465.00$24,930.00$12,870.00$25,740.00$17,865.00$35,730.00
In-State Tuition (fall & spring)$5,690.00$11,380.00$5,690.00$11,380.00$5,690.00$11,380.00
Out-of-State Tuition (fall & spring)$16,686.00$33,372.00$16,686.00$33,372.00$16,686.00$33,372.00
College & Course Fees (Fall and Spring Average)$1,200.00$2,400.00$1,200.00$2,400.00$1,200.00$2,400.00
Health Insurance ( Full Year)$1,157.05$2,314.10$1,157.05$2,314.10$1,157.05$2,314.10
Total Cost In-State$20,512.05$41,024.10$20,917.05$41,834.10$25,912.05$51,824.10
Total Cost Out-of-State$31,508.05$63,016.10$31,913.05$63,826.10$36,908.05$73,816.10

Graduate Assistants receive tuition scholarships for tuition costs ONLY as shown under Tuition Rates on the Student Account Services’ web pages and up to a maximum equal to the cost of enrollment in 15 hours. Graduate Assistantships do include payment for college fees and course fees, but not other fees that a student may incur.

For a 0.25 FTE appointment, the student must pay the other half of the tuition and health insurance costs. The tuition scholarship for a 0.25 FTE appointment will be half of the actual tuition charges incurred up to a maximum of half of the cost of enrollment in 15 hours.

Winter Interim (in Spring Term) Tuition Scholarships for GAs and Qualifying Fellowship Recipients