Graduate Ambassador Directory

David Awoyemi
Major: Instructional Leadership Ph.D.
UA Involvement: Graduate School Senator of the Student Government Association, where he acts as a vocal advocate for the interests and concerns of graduate students, effectively conveying student feedback and perspectives during government meetings and discussions. Serves as a liaison between the student government and campus organizations, faculty, and administration, fostering constructive dialogue and partnerships to advance student interests. Also serves as a welfare committee member of the African Students Association (ASA) and has volunteered with programs such as AL’s Pals, Reading Allies, and Engaging Alabama.
Research Interests: Instructional design, virtual reality learning, adaptive extended reality, e-learning, digital game-based learning, and artificial intelligence learning. Specifically interested in how emerging technologies may be applied to solve teaching and learning problems.
Hometown: Baba nla, Kwara State, Nigeria

Ifesinachi J. Ezugwu
Major: Educational Research Ph.D.
UA Involvement: Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methods, and Counseling (ESPRMC), member of the Graduate Students Advocacy Committee in GSA’s House of Delegates, Volunteer Research Assistant to the Director of Enrollment and Student Success in the College of Education Dean’s Office, Graduate Mentor for students with intellectual disabilities in the CrossingPoints Summer Bridge program, active member of the College of Education (COE) Graduate Students Organization, Organizing Secretary of the African Students Association (ASA)
Research Interests: The use of multi-level statistical techniques in predicting students’ academic achievement and using classroom assessment outcomes to inform effective teaching and learning at different levels of Education. Also interested in exploring the experiences, self-identities, and motivations of first-generation graduate students from Africa, who are pursuing higher education in the United States
Hometown: Enugu, Nigeria

Mohammad Mohi Uddin
Major: Instructional Leadership Ph.D.
UA Involvement: Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies, Delegate on the Graduate Student Association House of Delegates
Research Interests: Instructional design in American and British literature teaching, artificial intelligence applications in instructional design, teacher professional development by integrating emerging educational technology, virtual internship programs for instructional technology graduate students, Cognitivist and Constructivist teaching approaches, the flipped classroom.
Hometown: Sunamganj, Bangladesh

Daniel Oyeniran
Major: Educational Research Ph.D.
UA Involvement: President of the College of Education Graduate Student organization, International Peer Advisory Council (IPAC) mentor, active member in the Tide Together program, active member of the African Students Association
Research Interests: Areas of interest spread across various aspects of scale development, psychometrics and measurement.
Hometown: Nigeria

Davin Nabizadeh
Major: Educational Psychology Ph.D.
UA Involvement: UA Graduate Student Association (GSA) Vice President of Academic Affairs, active member of the College of Education Graduate Student Organization (GSO).
Research Interests: Working with morality, moral development, and artificial intelligence. Also interested in complicated decision-making situations related to self-driving cars
Hometown: Mahabad, Kurdistan

Sarah Jaggears
Major: School Counseling M.A.
UA Involvement: Member of the Blackburn Institute.
Hometown: Gadsden, Alabama