New GTA Workshop

Specialized Training for Graduate Teaching Assistants

2024 GTA Workshop

August 15-16, 2024

Bryant Conference Center

For more information about the New GTA Workshop, call (205) 348-8283 or email


Since 1987, the Graduate School has offered special training for graduate teaching assistants. Each August new GTAs complete the “Workshop for New GTAs.” The Workshop is required for all new GTAs, including those who have not yet completed the 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching field required before the GTA can be responsible for teaching a class and/or assigning grades.

The workshop is held at the Paul W. Bryant Conference Center on Thursday and Friday of the week before Fall classes begin. It includes a variety of formal presentations and interactive activities.

Formal Presentations

Faculty and staff who have been recognized for their superior teaching provide formal presentations on topics such as syllabus and course preparation, effective communication in college teaching, as well as active and collaborative learning techniques in both small and large classes. The workshop also covers important University policies such as services for students with disabilities, sexual harassment, academic misconduct, academic grievances, and the confidentiality of student records.

Interactive Activities

Graduate Teaching Fellows and GTA workshop team members are experienced GTAs recognized for superior teaching in their respective colleges. The Fellows and workshop team members will be available throughout the two-day workshop to assist in the facilitation of interactive sessions and workshop activities. 
